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Casco calculator. Service program "Mobile Casco Casco car insurance calculator online

The online store GSMKI with the active assistance of the authorized Minsk service center for the repair of mobile phones and tablets EuroService presents for its customers an exclusive and unique insurance program "Mobile CASCO"!

All mobile phones and tablets are protected against manufacturing defects by a one year warranty in accordance with applicable law. But the objective reality is that the most difficult and, accordingly, expensive is the repair of malfunctions that have arisen as a result of violation of operating rules (broken display or board flooded with water). And, unfortunately, almost every experienced user of mobile devices is familiar with such situations firsthand. However, now customers of our GSMKI online store can get a free and high-quality repair of a smartphone or tablet, even in the event of an out-of-warranty case!

Even the most careful and responsible user cannot be insured against an accident with his mobile device, because an active lifestyle does not always go well with the structural fragility of high-tech devices. Therefore, you should consider the unique opportunity to protect against risks that the GSMKI online store provides to its customers. The Mobile CASCO program will entitle you to a one-time free repair of any damage at your discretion, which is not covered by the manufacturer's warranty.

The service is valid for one year from the date of purchase. You can issue a certificate of the "Mobile CASCO" service program for a smartphone or tablet purchased in our GSMKI online store at the time of device purchase. All you need to do is to first ask our manager about the Mobile CASCO program.

How much is it?

The "Mobile CASCO" program that we offer is available to every customer, because its cost depends on the price of the purchased device and is only 15% of the amount of a mobile phone or tablet:

What faults can be repaired?

This program covers all faults that are not included in the manufacturer's warranty policy, from broken glass to moisture. For your convenience, the status of the repair can be tracked directly on the EuroService website. In addition to repairs, you will get unlimited access to advice on the efficient use of the product.

Who implements the warranty?

You can familiarize yourself with the public agreement on the provision of services of the Mobile CASCO Service Program. You may also be interested in our new program, developed jointly with the EuroService service center.

Residents of the Brest region can now save on the cost of repairing mobile devices. The new service program “Mobile CASCO” from velcom allows you to profitably repair smartphones and tablets in cases that are considered out of warranty: if moisture gets into the device or if the device is mechanically damaged.

Smartphones and tablets have become so firmly established in our lives that they accompany their owners literally everywhere. Mobile devices are mobile devices to be always at hand: in fact, in your hands or in your pocket, in a bag or backpack - in general, in close access. It is not surprising that at the same time tablets and smartphones regularly fall from a height, suffer from liquids spilled on them, break from being sat on them or being pressed too hard in a bag.

For the owner of the device, such a situation often becomes a disaster: firstly, without the usual electronic assistant - well, just like without hands, and secondly, repairs sometimes cost a substantial amount. However, its speed and quality are not always perfect. It is especially offensive when a brand-new, recently purchased tablet or smartphone breaks or gets wet: after all, for such cases - "damage caused by the owner" - the manufacturer's warranty does not apply. Often, expensive repairs (and this is what it will be for new, especially flagship models) you have to pay on your own.

In order to minimize risks and provide customers with more convenience, velcom introduced a new service program “Mobile CASCO”. By analogy with the popular and convenient option for car insurance, the new program allows owners of smartphones and tablets purchased at velcom sales centers to avoid high repair costs. If the device accidentally falls, breaks, cracks or gets wet, then with the Mobile CASCO program it can be repaired profitably, and without any "stars", "footnotes", "additional conditions in small print" or any other hidden nuances.

How to get Mobile CASCO?

All velcom subscribers who are individuals and buy a smartphone or tablet in any of the velcom sales and service centers, both in Brest and in other cities of Belarus, can purchase a certificate of the Mobile CASCO service program.

The Mobile CASCO certificate is issued only at the time of purchase. At the same time, the method of payment does not matter: all the benefits of the extended warranty are equally available for those who pay for the purchase right away and for those who take the equipment in installments.

The price of the certificate depends on the "coverage amount" - the cost of the repair, which is guaranteed to the owner of the mobile device. Velcom offers its subscribers seven options for certificates worth from 7.50 to 300 rubles. Thus, you can cover possible repair work in the amount of 50 to 2000 rubles, respectively.

So, if, when buying a smartphone, you issue a certificate "Mobile CASCO" worth 225 rubles, then within a year (the service program is valid for 12 months) in case of any damage to the device, you can count on its repair within 1,500 rubles. In this case, the savings on the cost of repairs will be up to 85%!

The subscriber can choose the most suitable version of the service program at the time of the purchase of the mobile device. It is usually considered optimal to choose the amount of possible repair in the amount of at least half of the total cost of the purchased smartphone or tablet.

What and how can be replaced by Mobile CASCO?

"Mobile hull insurance" acts on all types of mechanical damage that can only occur in a smartphone or tablet. Whether the device fell, crashed, cracked, or got liquid on it - in any case, the holder of the Mobile CASCO certificate can take the damaged device to the nearest velcom sales center. High-quality repairs will be carried out by the specialists of the authorized service center "Euroservice".

With this certificate, you can replace a broken display or camera, a broken speaker or microphone, a cracked case or wet components. Moreover, it is possible to use the Mobile CASCO service program within the coverage amount an unlimited number of times: depending on the damage, you can apply for one major repair, or make several minor replacements of components.

"Mobile hull insurance" is implemented according to the principle of "one window": it does not matter in which of the sales centers the equipment that needs repair is purchased. A subscriber can return his tablet or smartphone for repair both under the usual guarantee and under the certificate within the framework of the Mobile CASCO service program at any velcom office both in Brest and throughout Belarus.

Confidence and convenience

The "Mobile CASCO" service program is convenient for all velcom subscribers. It will be especially useful for parents of schoolchildren - when a new smartphone or tablet is bought for a child, the risk of damage is always higher: everyone knows how often children drop and break their mobile devices. The certificate will also be good insurance for a tablet or smartphone purchased for grandparents. After all, not all of them are accustomed to handling portable equipment.

The new Mobile CASCO service program is a reliable and convenient way to get rid of the hassle and unnecessary expenses in advance associated with unforeseen repairs of your favorite mobile devices. More information about the Mobile CASCO program can be found in velcom sales centers in Brest and other cities of the region, as well as on the website

  1. How much does CASCO cost for a car?

    A large number of factors affect the price of the policy:

    • The main parameters are the characteristics of the car and the data about the driver.
    • Next in importance is the choice of a combination of the main risks: damage, theft and death of a car. The choice of combination determines not only the cost, but also the degree of insurance coverage for your car.
    • The final price will depend on the added options (roadside assistance and others), as well as the choice of the franchise.
  2. CASCO insurance for a car: how to get a discount?

    When issuing CASCO in Ingosstrakh, it is worth knowing about the existing savings options - up to 60% of the total cost of the policy!

    • You can take out insurance with франшизой первого или второго страхового случая. Это уменьшит цену, но часть расходов при наступлении страхового случая ляжет на ваши плечи. !}
    • You can also reduce the price of the policy by connecting the option
    • ">«М-Телематика» или при наличии противоугонной системы. !}
    • More information about discounts on the CASCO page.
    • CASCO car insurance calculator online

      The CASCO insurance policy from Ingosstrakh gives significant advantages to the owner. If the car is damaged in an accident, you do not need to pay your own money. A claim for damage to our company allows you to receive monetary compensation or repair a car at a service station at the expense of the insurance company.

      Why do you need insurance

      • to recover losses in case of car theft;
      • to receive monetary compensation if the car cannot be restored after an accident;
      • to reimburse the cost of car repairs.

      How to calculate the cost of CASCO in Ingosstrakh

      We propose to independently customize your policy by choosing the type of coverage, options and the price of the policy.

      Use the online calculator to calculate. Enter the required details:

      • make, model of the car, year of manufacture and other characteristics;
      • age of drivers, driving experience, marital status;
      • the average cost of the insured car;
      • city ​​of registration and delivery;
      • use the "Calculate" button.

      CASCO insurance in Moscow: how much does it cost in 2019

      The cost depends on the chosen coverage. When calculating CASCO insurance online using a calculator, you can choose insurance against damage, theft and total loss of a car. Check out the details.

      CASCO price: how to save

      When calculating the cost of the policy will be less for drivers:

      • older age;
      • with great driving experience;
      • having a family and children.

      CASCO with a discount: favorable price for quality services.

      CASCO with a franchise

      The cost of CASCO in 2019 can be reduced by purchasing insurance with a deductible.

      This option is suitable:

      • experienced and attentive drivers;
      • used car owners.

      Use a handy calculator to find out accurate information online.

  • By moving through the catalog or through the search, the required product is selected.
  • Adding the selected item to the check is carried out by clicking the "Add to cart" button.
  • After completing the formation of the list of selected goods, you must select the payment and delivery options in the basket. Then you should press the button
  • After clicking the "Checkout" button in the order receipt, the "Checkout" page opens. Where for each selected product (for which
    insurance services available) you will see a list of available options. The purchase of the policy is carried out by pressing the "Buy" button. To place an order,
    after filling in the information fields, it is imperative to familiarize yourself with the information on payment, delivery and warranty service.
    Now you can click the "Checkout" button.
  • After sending the order, a window opens indicating the order number, all data on the contents of the order and delivery, as well as the contact
    with the buyer's information, and a letter with a copy of the order information is sent to the e-mail.